LIFE-CHANGING: Sorbonne Université Medical Student Discovers 1 Secret Mineral That Helps You Lose 52 lbs In 28 Days

 Big Pharma Doesn’t Want You To Know About This

Isn’t that quite the before and after?

That’s Emily Senstrom, a top medical student at Sorbonne Université.

Within 28 Days, she was able to melt away 52 lbs! No diet or exercise needed.

Her medical specialty is nutrition. And in her experiments for her senior thesis, she stumbled upon a new fat blocking code no one has heard of before.

To make sure this wasn’t a fluke, she had her aunt Alyssa try it out:

Alyssa lost 39 pounds within a month.

Emily’s neighbor Kasey from her hometown tried this new fat blocking code too:

Kasey dropped 75 pounds within 2 months.

And one participant in her thesis study, Jason, saw outstanding results:

Jason lost over 130 lbs in under 3 months with Emily’s help.

Even Emily’s Sorbonne Université professors and their colleagues were stunned.

Despite their skepticism, she defended her thesis on stage and claimed:

“I can get anyone to see similar results. If you’re struggling with your weight...YOU TOO can lose 52 lbs in 28 days. Without dieting or exercise. Thanks to this 1 secret mineral.”

The crowd was floored. People were going nuts.

Sorbonne Université professors were gossiping amongst each other. It all seemed fake to them.

But, Emily wanted to prove them wrong.

She wanted to show people that this 1 secret mineral does exist. And that it’s the key to blocking any fat gain.

The key to losing 52 lbs in 28 days.

Wouldn’t want to lose that much weight so fast?

Don’t worry. You can see these results very soon.

But before we show you how, let’s talk about how Emily made this possible.

How Emily Made This Discovery

Emily discovered this revolutionary fat loss solution during her 2nd year of medical school at Sorbonne Université.

With all the classes and studying, eating healthy and exercising were the last things on her mind.

That’s why she gained over 50 pounds during her first year of med school.

And as a nutritional specialist, she was ashamed. Especially since it was her mission to help other people stay healthy!

But her priority at the moment was to study hard and get those high marks to get an ideal internship after Sorbonne Université.

During one late night of studying in the library, Emily was looking for a certain book for her research.

In the process of this search, she stumbled upon this one area of books. She would later find out this was a restricted section.

She picked out this one book that was similar to what she needed.

As she was flipping through the pages, it was the wrong book. However, she came across this one chapter called “The Fat Blocking Code”.

“There’s no way this is possible!” she thought.

Yet, she kept reading and reading.

Then she looked up and noticed it was indeed a restricted section.

But this information was just too good. So she took down lots of notes and snuck off to photocopy all the juicy pages of info.

She kept thinking of her mission of helping people stay healthy and lose weight.

However, in the library bathroom, she took a quick glance at the mirror. And realized that she needed to fix her weight problems before she could help others.

Looking back at her notes, Emily knew she had to do something with this.

The New Fat Blocking Code

She needed to put this New Fat Blocking Code to use.

Fortunately, she had access to the medical school’s nutrition lab, which allowed to experiment with this Code.

The Fat Blocking Code was pretty simple, so that lab had all the ingredients she needed.

After a few months of blood, sweat, tears...trial and error…

...Emily was able to put together the perfect combination of ingredients.

This was all necessary to give this Fat Blocking Code a try.

Emily put all her research to the test. And within 7 days, she already dropped 18 pounds.

Then after 14 days, she dropped another 15 pounds.

After 21 days, she dropped 11 more pounds.

And finally, after 28 days, Emily dropped 8 more pounds.

That’s a total of 52 pounds in only 28 days!

Now you’re probably wondering...

...How Does The Fat Blocking Code Work?

This special code blocks all fat gain.

And that’s the reason many people like yourself struggle to lose weight. Even after all the dieting and exercising.

That one restricted book Emily found in the Sorbonne Université Library explained how the New Fat Blocking Code works.

Basically, Leptin is a hormone in your body that helps regulate your appetite.

This hormone sends signals to your brain to stop eating when your body is satisfied with food.

However, because of “leptin resistance”, that signal doesn’t reach your brain.

This results in you eating more even though your body has had enough food.

What the New Fat Blocking Code does is it fights against leptin resistance.

This then triggers the signals to your brain that you’re full. In addition, it triggers signals to speed up your metabolism.

The sources for that section of the book discuss the early experiments in the 1980s. And one patient who followed the New Fat Blocking Code was able to lose 40 pounds in 32 days.

So you too can block fat gain and lose lots of weight in a month’s time.


...What if you have a slow metabolism or struggled with weight gain all your life?

Don’t worry.

Even if you have a slow metabolism. Even if you’ve struggled to lose weight all your life. Or even if just want to drop lots of fat before a big wedding or event coming up.

The New Fat Blocking Code handles that with ease.

Take 62 year old Gerald for example.

He was someone who struggled with a slow metabolism all his life. He’s an easy weight gainer.

However, when he tried this New Fat Blocking Code, his metabolism got so fast. Now he can eat pretty much whatever he wants.

And still stay in shape!

Look at Gerald go down from 225 pounds to 180 pounds within a month:

Then there’s Mary, 58, who wanted to lose weight for her daughter’s big wedding day.

While she only started following the New Fat Blocking Code 5 weeks before the wedding, she was able to drop 5 dress sizes!

She how Mary was able to drop down from 180 pounds to 130 pounds in record time:

And there’s also Stan, 49, who was overweight most of his life. He too had a slow metabolism.

Once he followed the New Fat Blocking Code, he was able to fit into his old clothes from his 20s.

Talk about a transformation!

Imagine being able to find into that suit or dress you haven’t worn in years. Or what it’d be like to look slim and fit in all your ne

As a Sorbonne Université med student specializing in nutrition, she knows this isn’t her fault.

And it isn’t your fault either.

When she dug deeper into her research, she found out some shocking news.

There are wealth Sorbonne Université alumni who are part of the Big Pharma inner circle. And they fund a great deal of the studies and experiments that Sorbonne Université professors conduct.

The professors’ legacy and livelihood depend upon funding from Big Pharma.

And guess what?

These are the same professors who were skeptical about her claims.

They were even in this picture together with Sorbonne Université alumni who are known to be key players within Big Pharma.

Emily even inquired about this one huge donation to her professor’s experiment. It was within the nutritional field.

However, she always wondered why her professor pushed for potentially dangerous and expensive pharmaceuticals.

Instead of safe, cheaper, and more effective natural weight loss solution.

Thanks to Emily’s work and risk taking, you can now experience the benefits of the New Fat Blocking Code.

You’re the first of the public to hear this great news.

And Emily even claims that…

This is the last diet solution you’ll ever need

You’ll never need another weight loss supplement, diet, or exercise plan again.


When Emily found out about this New Fat Blocking Code, she had to develop some way for people to get this in their system.

Her research led her to the discovery of this 1 secret mineral.

The mineral makes the New Fat Blocking Code accessible to the general public.

And can help you lose 52 pounds in 28 days!

Unlike most weight loss solutions, this secret mineral promotes more consistent weight loss.

Over the long term.

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