Speeding car slams into NYPD sergeant in the Bronx, injuring him, during night of looting and George Floyd protests

The sergeant and a second ranking officer in a white shirt were crossing E. 170th St. at Walton Ave. just after 12:40 a.m., when a black sedan barreled toward them. The white-shirted officer managed to scramble out of the way, but the sergeant was hit. (Evgen_Prozhyrko/Getty Images/iStockphoto)
A speeding car slammed into an NYPD sergeant on a Bronx street corner, sending him flying into another vehicle and onto the pavement, in a horrific scene caught on video early Tuesday.
The officers were responding to a report of about 20 or 30 people coming out of a pawn shop, according to emergency radio transmissions, as the city was rocked by looting and protests over the death of George Floyd.
The sergeant and a second ranking officer in a white shirt were crossing E. 170th St. at Walton Ave. just after 12:40 a.m. when a black sedan barreled toward them. The white-shirted officer managed to scramble out of the way but the sergeant was hit, video shot by a neighbor from their apartment shows.
The sergeant was sent flying into another car to his left before he landed on the pavement in the middle of the intersection.
A group of officers lifted the injured sergeant into a police van, which drove off, with an unmarked car as escort, to Lincoln Hospital. An NYPD spokesman said the sergeant was in stable condition
He suffered a head injury, broken leg, and was having difficulty breathing, a lieutenant with the Bronx’s 44th Precinct told a dispatcher during radio transmissions.
At about 12:42 a.m., the voices on the precinct’s police radio channel spiked in panic.
“I got an injured MOS!” the dispatcher yelled. “MOS” means “member of service,” a term used to describe a police officer. “I got an MOS hit by a vehicle at this time!"
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