Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand urges Trump to ensure fair distribution of vital coronavirus supplies

U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) is pictured last year.
U.S. Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) is pictured last year.

New York needs to get its fair share of medical supplies, Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand wrote President Trump on Wednesday, pointing to a disturbing report suggesting less-hard-hit states are getting more of their requests fulfilled by the feds.
“Our hospitals and medical centers do not have anywhere near enough of the medical equipment they need to save lives,” the New York Dem wrote. “The apparent prioritization of states with lower numbers of cases over those with higher numbers must end immediately.”
The White House declined to comment, referring an inquiry to the Federal Emergency Management Agency, which did not immediately respond.
Gillibrand cited a recent Washington Post report finding feds have met 100% — or more — of supply requests from red states including Florida, Kentucky and Oklahoma while liberal-led New York is still short of items like ventilators, face shields and coveralls.
The senator demanded clarity on the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s process for allocating supplies and a timeline for when future shipments can be expected.
She also decried “over-reliance on the ‘commercial system,’ which has pit all 50 states and the feds in a bidding war for supplies.”
President Trump told governors to “try getting it yourselves” when discussing ventilators and other equipment in an infamous March 16 phone call.
“It is my sincere hope that you will do everything in your power to ensure that New York and other hard-hit states are not shortchanged by the Federal government and are prioritized commensurate with the level of infection and hospitalization rates that have been reported and are expected going forward,” Gillibrand wrote.

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