Walmart is under fire for making veteran sit outside in rain

Manuel Griffin was kept from sitting under an awning during his rainy-day fundraising efforts in front of a Walmart recently. (Photo: Maryann Griffin via Facebook)
A veteran was left out to dry at a Walmart — only to get soaking wet — and Twitter is angry.
On Friday, Vietnam vet Manuel Griffin was raising money for fellow veterans outside a Walmart in Dickson City, Pa. When it started to rain, the store manager declined his request to sit closer to the store for protection. A photo captured the 69-year-old sitting in his uniform in the rain.
As his wife, Maryann, explained on Facebook, Griffin has done the same kind of fundraising outside Walmart every May for more than two decades. In the past, he was allowed to set up under cover in inclement weather, but not this time. “Way to go Walmart,” she wrote —“commendable way to treat our veterans who fought for your freedom…..Disgrace!”

Today my husband set up his table to start selling Poppies for the month of May at Walmart in Dickson City Pa as he has…
The photo has been shared almost 6,000 times, and it has almost 3,000 very supportive comments. “WOW that just isn’t right. I am sorry. Thank you both for your service, as families serve too!” one person responded. Many people are expressing their distaste at Walmart’s decision. “I will never forget what our Servicemen did for us. Shame on you Wal-Mart,” someone wrote. “The same reason why Wal-Mart sells items from foreign countries along with the USA made products. They don’t give a rat’s ass about this country,” said another angry shopper. “Now I no why Wal-Mart was never my fav place,” someone else commented. “Just another reason we NEVER shop at Wal-Mart! Wal-Mart should be ashamed of themselves to show such disrespect!”
Why couldn’t this American hero sit closer to the store? A manager from Walmart told a local news station that the store had implemented a “safety policy” about two years ago that requires those collecting money to be 15 feet from the doorway.
But the dedicated man wasn’t about to let a little rain dampen his ambitions. “He is going to do what he has to do for his [Veterans of Foreign Wars], and he wants to make sure he is representing them the same way we did when we wore the uniform,” Griffin’s friend David Ragan told Newswatch 16.
He even returned the next day, in the sun, to continue taking donations, not allowing Walmart’s rules to get to him. And it seems it was worth it, as many people stopped to donate that day, according to Newswatch 16.
Griffin’s return the next day also gave the retailer a chance to make things right. Ragan spoke to the store manager on Griffin’s behalf, and they came to an agreement that Walmart would provide veterans with an inclement-weather canopy, which was produced the next day. “Happy Ending,” tweeted a local WNEP reporter, with a photo for proof.

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