Marine Le Pen After Her Party’s Ringing Victory: ‘Bi-Nationals Connected To Islamist Ideology Must Be Stripped Of Their Nationality And Expelled’

 French National Rally Party leader Marine Le Pen gave her first speech since her party trounced French President Emanuel Macron’s party in the French EU Parliament elections, declaring to thunderous applause that “bi-nationals connected to Islamist ideology must be stripped of their nationality and expelled.”

Last week, the National Rally party won 31.4% of the vote in the EU Parliament elections; Macron’s Renaissance Party coalition only garnered 14.6%, with Eric Ciotti’s Republicans receiving 7.25%. Ciotti then endorsed an alliance with the National Rally party, whose 28-year-old president, Jordan Bardella, is the first president of the party not to be named Le Pen.

Macron then dissolved the French National Assembly and called for snap legislative elections, hoping the French people would prevent the National Rally party from taking power. For the National Rally Party, which currently has 88 seats in the National Assembly, to take over, it would need to expand to 289 seats. That would allow Bardella to be named prime minister.

“I appeal to the wisdom and good sense of the French: Give me one reason, only one, to keep on our territory foreigners who collaborate with a totalitarian ideology that wants the death of the French,” Marine Le Pen said in her speech. “Bi-nationals connected to Islamist ideology must be stripped of their nationality and expelled. The French who adopt the ideology of the enemy must be brought before justice and punished. The laws exist; they just need to be applied.”

As president, she asserted, “these laws will be applied without weakening.” That elicited chants of “Marine President.” Macron has a presidential mandate until 2027 and has vowed not to step down

In a few weeks, I promise you, France will have taken all the necessary steps to be sheltered from the ‘S-files,” and that in total compliance with our law. Radical mosques will be shut down, hate preachers expelled,” she said. “The associations connected with Salafism and the Muslim Brotherhood will be dissolved. With me, be assured that the rights of women, today challenged by the Islamist obscurantism, will be granted to all the women of France. With me, the security will not go against liberty, in any case, not against the liberty of honest people.”

“S-Files” refers to state security files indicating a person might pose a threat to national security.

On Thursday, in response to a note on social media marking the eighth anniversary of the brutal murder of two police officers who were husband and wife in front of their three-year-old son by a Muslim terrorist, Le Pen responded, “No one should forget their faces, they remind us every day that Islamist barbarity is a permanent danger, and that those on the far left who come into agreement with this fanatical ideology or who plead, like rebellious France, to disarm the police, are a real threat to our country.”The terrorist slit the wife’s throat in front of her son and then waited for the husband to come home, stabbing him to death when he arrived.

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