Maryland Gov. Wes Moore says no indication civilian drivers were on bridge during collapse

Maryland Gov. Wes Moore joined "Fox & Friends" Wednesday morning to provide an update on recovery efforts after the Francis Scott Key Bridge disaster.

The bridge collapsed early Tuesday morning after a cargo ship lost power and struck one of its support piers. Six construction workers who were on the bridge are presumed dead, officials said. Two were pulled from the water by rescuers, one in critical condition who was hospitalized.

Moore told "Fox & Friends" that officials have no indication there were any private civilians driving on the bridge at the time of its collapse. "We do not have any indication as of right now of individual citizens that that were that were caught in this," the governor said.

He added that authorities on the bridge who were able to halt traffic when the ship issued a mayday alert prevented the catastrophe from being worse. 

"They are heroes, and they saved countless lives," Moore said. 

The governor said divers are in the Patapsco River Wednesday morning working in "pitch dark" and "cold" to recover the bodies of those killed for their families. 

"We've moved on to a recovery mission," Moore said. "We are going to expend every effort to bring them closure."

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