Alabama high school basketball star Caleb White dies after collapsing during pickup game

 Caleb White, a 17-year-old student-athlete from Pinson, Alabama, died Thursday after suffering a medical emergency at school.

White's death was announced by the Alabama High School Athletic Association.

White, a senior all-state point guard at Pinson Valley High School, collapsed while playing a pickup basketball game with teammates. He received life-saving efforts at the school before being taken to the hospital where he was pronounced dead.

"Our thoughts and prayers go out to Caleb’s family, his classmates and basketball team and extended school family," AHSAA executive director Alvin Briggs said. "He was an outstanding student-athlete who played in the North-South All-Star Basketball Game last month. He was an outstanding student-athlete and role model.

White's mother, Charlette, told that she was told her son died from cardiac arrest. An autopsy was set for Friday. Pinson mayor Joe Cochran posted on social media about White's death, and Pinson Valley principal Michael Turner said counseling would be available to students and staff in the coming days."Our heartfelt condolences also go out to the administration and faculty at Pinson Valley. Pray they find the strength needed during this time of grief," Briggs added.

White averaged 20.9 points, 3.8 rebounds, 3.1 assists and 1.9 steals as a junior, when he was a finalist for the Alabama Sports Writers Association Class 6A Player of the Year.

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