SCHOOL Ghastliness Kid, 15, denies wounding maths educator in Tewkesbury school hallway

A Youngster kid today denied cutting a maths educator in a school hall.

Jamie Sansom experienced a solitary blade twisted during the ghastliness at Tewkesbury Foundation in Gloucestershire on Monday.

A 15-year-old kid has now been accused of endeavored injuring with aim and ownership of a bladed article on school premises.

The high schooler, who lawfully can't be named, showed up at Gloucestershire Youth Court today.

He denied the endeavored injuring charge however conceded ownership of a bladed article.

His folks were sat toward the rear of the court for the consultation.

The kid was remanded into secure convenience to next seem a similar youth court on July 21.

The frightfulness unfurled on Monday morning as the school was dove into lockdown.

Panicked understudies told how instructors blockaded them inside study halls as a caution boomed out.

One legend instructor hauled a closet across the entryway and advised every one of the youngsters to stow away at the rear of the study hall

Two different establishments close by were likewise approached to close their entryways as a "insurance".

Maths instructor Jamie was raced to medical clinic however has since been released and is "recuperating great".

He later said in an explanation: "On police guidance, I can't remark exhaustively about what occurred, yet I would like to address some deception which has been circling in inclusion of the previous occurrence.

"It is just not consistent with say that I was mediating in a battle between understudies.

"In my view, there was no place where Tewkesbury understudies confronted any immediate danger.

"I'm satisfied to say that I am recuperating great. I was very much cared for at Gloucester Regal, and by the police, and I'm thankful for that.

"My gratitude to each and every individual who aided put me making a course for what is generally anticipated to be a full recuperation.

Jamie is now recovering after being stabbed

The horror unfolded on Monday morning

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