Georgia man captured in shooting that harmed Gwinnett Province lead prosecutor agent

Tyler Dewayne Moore, 27, is accused of irritated attack, ownership of a gun and criminal harm to

A Georgia man was captured Monday regarding the shooting of a Gwinnett Province lead prosecutor examiner last week, as indicated by police.

Tyler Dewayne Moore, 27, is accused of irritated attack, ownership of a gun during the commission of specific violations and criminal harm to property. He was set up for the Gwinnett District Prison early Monday morning.

The examiner, who has not been recognized, was shot in the leg Friday at around 6 p.m. as he was driving on Reddish Street toward the city of Coppery, Georgia, Gwinnett Region police said in a public statement. Subsequent to being shot, the examiner maneuvered into a service station and utilized his radio to caution that he really wanted assistance.

He was shipped to a neighborhood clinic with non-hazardous wounds.

GEORGIA Head prosecutor Examiner SHOT IN METRO ATLANTA

Tyler Dewayne Moore mugshot

Tyler Dewayne Moore, 27, is accused of disturbed attack, ownership of a gun during the commission of specific wrongdoings and criminal harm to property. (Gwinnett Area Police)

Numerous policing across metro Atlanta started looking for the suspect after the shooting. Police at first portrayed the suspect's vehicle as a silver SUV with harm to the back traveler side before later proclaiming that the shooter was driving a 2019 Jeep Cherokee.

Tyler Dewayne Moore mugshot

"When we got the reconnaissance video of adjacent organizations, that assisted us with pinpointing the essential general portrayal. We had a silver SUV, and afterward it came down to visiting a few pictures on the web, and see precisely exact thing make and model it was, and they had the option to pinpoint that it was a Jeep Cherokee," Sgt. Michele Pihera expressed, as indicated by FOX 5 Atlanta. "It was a 2019 Jeep Cherokee, so that assisted us with pinpointing perhaps some enrollment records to see who were the proprietors of a silver Jeep Cherokee."

While visiting Moore's home in Reddish-brown on Sunday night, analysts found the vehicle and appropriated it. He was not home during the visit, but rather handed himself over at the Gwinnett Region Prison Monday morning.

SUSPECT IN Deadly SHOOTING OF GEORGIA SHERIFF'S Delegate Captured In the wake of Attempting TO Escape IN Watch Vehicle

Squad car

After the specialist was shot, police said to be watching out for a silver SUV, later portraying the silver SUV as a 2019 Jeep Cherokee. (Gwinnett Area Police)


Police car

The rationale behind the shooting stays indistinct and police are as yet researching on the off chance that the shooting was designated, a consequence of uncontrollable anger or on the other hand in the event that there is another thought process, Pihera said on "Fox and Companions."

"It doesn't show up right now that the specialist was joined to any police-related examination. He was essentially driving not too far off when he was taken shots at by the shooter," Pihera said.

Examiners with the DA's office travel in plain vehicles, so there were no conspicuous signs that he was working for policing.

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