Charming Camping Trip of Young Victorian Professionals Over 100 Years Ago
More than 100 years ago, a group of young friends went on a camping trip and captured some pretty great memories, and time has stood still for these smiley Victorians in black & white.
This photos series, titled "Stone's Cottage," was shared on Flickr by Beth Scupham, the grand-daughter of the photographer. Beth gives us a little background.
“These are part of a series from a whole album of photos that belonged to my Grandfather called “Stone’s Cottage”, circa 1910, Pennsylvania. What was Stone’s Cottage? I don’t know. My grandmother, traces her ancestry back to the American Revolution and the Mayflower, is JLB in the photo. This was a trip they took with friends before they were married. The pictures are charming snapshots of life for young professionals in the early 1900s. Friends of my Grandfather and Grandmother ‘camping’, most of the ladies were new schoolteachers. Most of the men were bankers and lawyers. These may be friends from Syracuse College. My grandfather posed, lit , shot and developed the photographs, so he is rarely portrayed here.
It is his eye through which we see.”
You explore the entire album here...
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