The Woman Who Performed Caesarian Section On Herself (And Survived!)


On March of 2000, a pregnant woman named Ines Ramirez Perez, 40-years old and living alone in a rural area of southern Mexico, was in her one-room cabin when she felt labour pains.

As she was unable to deliver the baby normally, and not one person is around to assist her travel to the nearest hospital which was miles away in the city, she decided to do a caesarian section on herself.

Ramirez was determined not to lose another child. Having lost a baby with her previous pregnancy due to labour complications, she pushed herself to do the self-operation when she noticed the decrease of baby movements inside her.

Sitting down on a low wooden bench, she took several gulps from a bottle of alcoholic drink. Then she grabbed a 6-inch knife, usually used for butchering animals, and unbelievably dissected her abdomen to carry out what would be the world's only known successful caesarean section that is self-performed. Subsequently, she then pulled out her baby boy inside her uterus, who immediately breathed and cried.

Ramirez performed this C-section on herself for roughly an hour, then at some point, unsure whether it was before fainting or after regaining consciousness, she was able to wrap a sweater around her abdominal area and carried her son, Benito out for help. Hours passed, a couple of health workers eventually came to her rescue, hastily sewed up the 7-inch incision with a regular needle and cotton thread, and rushed her to a hospital in the city. While there, everyone was amazed that Ramírez was still conscious and not in shock. Ramírez said,

“I couldn’t stand the pain anymore,” she said. “And if my baby was going to die, then I decided I would have to die, too. But if he was going to grow up, I was going to see him grow up and I was going to be with my child. I thought that God would save both our lives.”

Upon examination, Dr. Galván mentioned that Ramírez’ life might have been spared when she sat forward in what he pointed out as the traditional Indian birthing position. Because of this, her uterus was positioned directly under the skin and she did not accidentally cut her intestines.

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