Texas Tech cheerleader lands modeling gig following viral Masters video

 Aaliyah Kikumoto was at the Masters with her father when she went viral

Aaliyah Kikumoto had one of the biggest weeks of her life and appears to be just getting started.

The Texas Tech Pom Squad member landed a modeling job with BSX on Friday. The company introduced her on Instagram in a lace outfit with black leather pants and red heels. The new gig came days after she went viral during the final round of the Masters on Easter Sunday.


A Texas Tech Red Raiders cheerleader before the game between the Texas Tech Red Raiders and the Oklahoma Sooners on October 22, 2016 at AT&T Jones Stadium in Lubbock, Texas.

A Texas Tech Red Raiders cheerleader before the game between the Texas Tech Red Raiders and the Oklahoma Sooners on October 22, 2016 at AT&T Jones Stadium in Lubbock, Texas. (John Weast/Getty Images)

"When statuesque beauty pairs with a kind and beautiful soul, you call her @aaliyahkikumoto Introducing newest BSX model and (golf girl extraordinaire) Aaliyah," the company wrote in its Instagram post about the announcement.

BSX also posted another few photos of her photoshoot Sunday. BSX said the shots came before the Masters as she posed in a gingham dress and cowboy boots with a flower in her hair.

"I really feel this set really shows the adorable nature of her bubbly and sweet personality! She is a total gem and I am honored to know her!!!" the caption read.


She went viral for her excitement as she stood behind Jon Rahm and Brooks Koepka as they battled for the green jacket in the final round on Sunday. She revealed herself to be the fan who stood in the gallery just inches behind Koepka and Rahm. She went viral on TikTok during the round as the page Double Bogeys Only posted about her.

Jon Rahm, of Spain, celebrates holding the Masters trophy winning the Masters golf tournament at Augusta National Golf Club on Sunday, April 9, 2023, in Augusta, Georgia.

Jon Rahm, of Spain, celebrates holding the Masters trophy winning the Masters golf tournament at Augusta National Golf Club on Sunday, April 9, 2023, in Augusta, Georgia. (AP Photo/David J. Phillip)

"Somehow, I feel in love with someone I only saw for 15 seconds," the caption on the video read.

Fans quickly identified the woman as Kikumoto. She also wrote in the comments section, "That’s me."


Kikumoto is a part of the Texas Tech Pom Squad. The dance team consists of trained dancers whose styles consist of "pm, jazz, hip hop and contemporary lyrical," according to the squad’s website. Alumni of the team have gone on to dance for the Dallas Cowboys, Dallas Mavericks, Houston Rockets, Houston Texan, New York Jets and Kansas City Chiefs.

Raindrops fall on the Masters logo seen on a golf cart during a practice round prior to the Masters at Augusta National Golf Club on Nov. 11, 2020 in Augusta, Georgia.

Raindrops fall on the Masters logo seen on a golf cart during a practice round prior to the Masters at Augusta National Golf Club on Nov. 11, 2020 in Augusta, Georgia. (Jamie Squire/Getty Images)

Before her virality, she had more than 14,000 followers on Instagram. As of Sunday, she had 37,400 followers. She appeared to have an NIL deal with Celsius before her name became notable.

She posted about her Masters experience after the TikTok exploded on social media.

"Thank you Ho. 16," she wrote, adding "#themastersgirl."

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