Good riddance: Dozens of foreign sex offenders, drug dealers and thugs are booted out of Australia and taken back to New Zealand on two packed planes
- Twenty-eight criminals were deported back to New Zealand earlier this month
- They included bikies, sex offenders, drug dealers, stalkers and kidnappers
- ABF said that any non-citizen that committed a serious crime would be deported
Dozens of sex offenders drug dealers and thugs have been flown back to New Zealand from Australia after committing heinous crimes.
Twenty-eight men and three women were placed on two planes back to their home country by the Australian Border Force last week.
Among the deportees were bikies from the Mongrel Mob and the Comancheros, according to the Herald Sun.

Twenty-eight men and three women were placed on two planes back to their home country last week by the Australian Border Force (pictured is a deportation in September)
The motley crew of vile delinquents also included stalkers, kidnappers and Kiwis that had been convicted of sick sexual offences, assault and domestic violence.
The first flight left Sydney on October 6, before picking up deportees from Brisbane and flying them to Auckland.
This was followed by a second flight on October 7, which left Sydney before heading to Auckland via Melbourne.
Deportations of foreign criminals had paused after the coronavirus pandemic hampered international travel.

A criminal is marched onto a plane by an ABF official before being deported in September
However, in June the ABF chartered a flight to take eight criminals back to the UK.
Among them was depraved murderer Christopher Clark Jones who stabbed a teenager to death and used his decapitated head as bowling ball.
Sally McAuliffe, acting ABF Commander of Field Operations, said that any foreign criminals would be deported from Australia.
'Any non-citizens who have been convicted of serious crimes and are found not to meet character requirements and whose visas are subsequently cancelled, are not entitled to remain in Australia,' she said.
'Despite the reduction in international travel due COVID-19, the ABF continues to remove unlawful non-citizens from Australia.'
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