Woman runs for her life after posing with a BEAR for a photo and it angrily rears up at her

  • The woman tried posing next to the bear in Bacău, Romania, on June 30
  •  As she edged closer to the wild animal it lunged at her as though attacking
  •  Nobody was hurt and the bear sat down back down by the side of the road again
A woman ran for her life after a brown bear angrily reared up at her as she attempted to pose for a photo next to it. 
The nail-biting incident was caught on camera in Bacău, Romania, on June 30. 
The video clip shows the woman's car pulled over to the side of the road as people in the car behind film the scene. 
A woman in white and blue inches closer to a wild bear as a male companion holds up a camera
The woman is clearly uncomfortable as she edges towards the bear which is sat calmly
A woman was forced to run from a bear in Bacău, Romania, which lunged at her after she tried to pose next to it for a picture at the side of a road
A male companion has a professional-looking camera out and is taking photos of the woman wearing white and blue as she inches closer to the wild animal.
She manages to get within a couple of steps of the bear, though not looking very comfortable about it. 
The bear suddenly lunges towards her as though going to attack her, and she runs off in fright. 
The person filming the scene can be heard gasping in horror.

The woman gets too close for the bear's liking and it leaps forward towards her forcing her to flee in terror. The person filming in the car behind is heard gasping in shock
The woman gets too close for the bear's liking and it leaps forward towards her forcing her to flee in terror. The person filming in the car behind is heard gasping in shock
The bear decides not to pursue the woman who fled to safetyand instead sits back down on the side of the road as passengers sitting with the person filming laughed at what they had seen
The bear decides not to pursue the woman who fled to safetyand instead sits back down on the side of the road as passengers sitting with the person filming laughed at what they had seen
The bear decides against pursuing the woman and sits back down on the edge of the road watching the three-car convoy. 
After the woman flees from beside the bear the people in the car with the person filming can be heard hysterically laughing about the woman's near-miss.
No one was harmed in the incident. 
Bear attacks are not uncommon in Romania, which is home to an estimated 7,000 wild bears.
The hunting of bears was banned in Romania in 2016 but recent bear attacks since the ban was enforced has led to some people in the country calling for trophy hunting to be made legal again.

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