Woman Has Legs, Arm Amputated After Doctors Fail To Diagnosis Her With Sepsis

Woman Has Legs, Arm Amputated After Doctors Fail To Diagnosis Her With Sepsis
A mother of two had to have nearly all of her limbs amputated after doctors didn’t diagnosis her with sepsis—a common condition that can be life-threatening if not treated.
In addition to having her legs, arm, and some of her fingers removed, Magdalena Malec also had to have a kidney transplant, The Telegraph reports.
“Nothing will restore what I had. I will never paint my nails again, I will never make a ponytail for my daughter,” Malec, 31, told the British newspaper. “I do not trust doctors and I am very skeptical about all medical appointments and diagnoses.”
Sepsis occurs when an already-established infection in the body isn’t treated. It usually causes tissue damage or organ failure, but in some cases it can lead to death, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Sepsis is treated with a combination of antibiotics, oxygen and IV fluids. Some patients may require kidney dialysis or surgery to remove the damaged tissue.
Malec’s sepsis developed shortly after she learned she had an ectopic pregnancy, which is when the fertilized egg makes its way outside of the uterus, with her third child. While recovering from surgery due to the ectopic pregnancy, she started to have severe blood loss to her limbs. Turns out, it was due to her doctors not recognizing early signs of sepsis, according to The Telegraph.
She’s now taking legal action against  Luton & Dunstable University Hospital, located in Luton, England.
“The catastrophic chain of events which led to Magdalena's near death and horrendous injuries were completely avoidable if the hospital Trust had followed its own sepsis protocol,” David Thomas, her lawyer, said.
A spokesperson for the hospital has issued an apology, acknowledging that the care provided to her “fell below the standards we strive for.”
In the United States, more than 1.5 million people suffer from sepsis each year, 250,000 of which end up dying, according to CDC data

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